
The Shape of Scent

Package Design | Product Design

This project aims to curate a collection of perfume bottles to communicate meaningful connections with institute visitors. The design of a perfume bottle is usually dependent on its scent type and subjective feeling of imagination. This project contains 12 collections including 6 real bottles, 6 hand drawn bottles and sketches in one package of an invitation.
此項目從博物館機構館藏中,將歷史中香水瓶相關文物以邀請函形式成為典藏展覽 <The Shape of Scent> 傳達工具。香水瓶設計根據香味及主觀感受而有所變化,此邀請函中涵蓋了12種收藏,包括:6種實體香水瓶及6瓶手繪插畫、素寫。

Each package has different bottle and “scent” on the first card. Receivers can “collect” the mini bottle card and scent by tearing the paper then put in their wallets or purses.

“ Tear the bottle up and get the scent. ”

12 Perfume bottles collections
12 種香水瓶收藏

6 Types of scent & 3 Notes of scent
6 種不同香味 & 3 種前中後氣味調性

Size    | 5 x 5 x 1/2"
Paper | Vellum paper and Cardstock
Year   | 2019