字在空間實驗計畫 — 人生的意義
Type in Space - IKIGAI

This project was a type exploration in a space based in MICA main campus. The purpose of this project was to find a corner to integrate a deep connection of type choices, materials, and the environments.
“IKIGA” is a concept which means “ The meaning of life” from Japan.
This bush area was one of my thinking spot in everyday morning at MICA. Whenever I passed this place, I usually could see the reflection on windows of Brown Center. At that moment, the reflection didn’t only reflect the motion of people passing by but also plants standing there. Around winter period, the bush plants falled, disappeared and became brown. This living process from birth to death made me think of the meaning of a life everyday when I was studied in MICA.
What are we pursuing ?
How are we pursuing ?
Why are we pursuing ?
What you’re pursuing is worthy for you to sacrifice the other things ?
「IKIGAI」一詞是指日文中—人生意義的概念,每當我經過此區域,藉由早晨的建築物玻璃反射我可以看到自己投影在MICA的Brown Center玻璃上,在當下不只有學生的人來人往動態還有植物靜態的站立反射,這座曾經綠意盎然的草叢經過秋天至冬天變為乾枯的黃土地,這樣的短暫過程從生至死使我每日思考「人生每天的意義」。


What is the reason making you get up everyday morning?
The Experiment Process 實驗過程: