Winter is Coming

The first year in Baltimore, MD in the U.S. was unforgettable. I started another new journey after I finished an old one in Irvine, CA. East coast and west coast have a lot of difference regarding architecture, the color, the weather, food and the people. Life style was also a new world for me. I picked up some life styles as I had in Taiwan like walking from school to somewhere or taking a bus from home to inner harbor. At the same time, I began my learning path of cooking here. I tried to cook what I like, more specifically, I tried to know what I think it’s easier to cook and I still love it. Lol
The biggest reason I love baltimore was I could see four seasons very seperately. Compared to Taipei and Irvine that I have lived beofore, Baltimore has REAL autumn and winter. I could feel and see it from my environment rather than only temparture.
Maples came out when the autumn was here even though it’s very a short period of time. Red, Yellow and brown colors are all mixed together like they’re ready for the nexting season is coming.