MilkBox Campaign Project

Campaign Design | Posters | Banner
This project is aimed to define and rebrand a local brand identity through a series of campaigns in Orange County, California.
This project is aimed to define and rebrand a local brand identity through a series of campaigns in Orange County, California.
MilkBox is a Boba tea shop based in Orange County, California. Gradient color of the boba tea is the main feature of this brand. Three milktea in the photos are their most popular in the store so I chose to use more realistic photographs to interpret their identity of tea. When I took photographs by Nikon D40x, I captured the moment of the drops of water on the cup which makes them more dramatic and appealing. The bottom of cups are showed on the bottom edge of the posters to make the posters have a vision in three dimension.
The speech-bubble stroke in the center of posters make audiences focus on the gradient colour in photos. Also, it represents a microscope to attract people to see what ingredient it has in the milk tea.
The speech-bubble stroke in the center of posters make audiences focus on the gradient colour in photos. Also, it represents a microscope to attract people to see what ingredient it has in the milk tea.
MilkBox是一家珍珠奶茶專賣店,漸層的飲料是其品牌最大特色。將三種不同店內最受歡迎的漸層飲料,以實體照片放大並作為主視覺設計再搭配圓體字型,呈現友善及親切的地方性品牌形象,另外,Bubble Tea 與 Speech Bubble 概念結合,吸引觀看的人注視漸層色並蘊含與地方及社區對話的想法 。